NCAA Bracket 2013 Update: SBNation's Andrew Sharp Shares Predictions And Picks For NCAA’s March Madness

March Madness is here and before the second-round tip-off, our NCAA Bracket 2013 update comes from one of the geniuses at staff Andrew Sharp, who claims that he could have the most successful bracket of his life despite his cluelessness on the NCAA Bracket 2013 process, airs his views on a blog post on the site.

Andrew Sharp shares that the NCAA Bracket 2013 and the March Madness that makes it happen will usually spit out the same hoopla on the issue. Everyone will pretend to know that they know what they’re talking about. Nonetheless, he shares his opinion and prediction on this phenomenal event despite claiming that he hasn’t watched much college basketball this year.

Louisville – best team has to go out early

Sharp claims that despite the fact that they’re the best team playing this year, no team has been able to stay on top for more than 10 days. The university has an experienced point guard as their star, a great coach, and more athleticism than any other in the field. However, their lack of ability to stay on the lead will potentially oust them from the game earlier than expected.

Ed O’Bannon’s lawsuit quietly dominating things 

The NCAA Bracket 2013 and the March Madness events put a spotlight on college athletics and the issues that surround it. A lawsuit by Ed O’Bannon is giving this season a gleam outlook, with some skeletons of the NCAA being put in full view for everyone to see. According to Sharp’s post, college administrators are already putting out irrational responses on the suit and that the backwards logic of the whole system is about to publicly divulge.

The more dominating March Madness story

Calipari’s got the best recruiting class in history and things could get very cruel. They landed Julius Randle on Wednesday, and if in case they end up with Andrew Wiggins, the season, according to Sharp, should just be canceled. Nonetheless, this March Madness season’s numerous conversations focus on how talent’s down across college basketball. The next March Madness 2014, there’s a high probability that discussions will center on how all the great talents came back, only that all of it ended up in Kentucky.

NBA Scouts go down South

All NBA fans who watches March Madness to determine the next best picks should be focusing on the Southern teams. Potential lottery picks from the South regional includes Shabazz Muhammad, Otto Porter, Trey Burke, Glenn Robinson III and Ben McLemore. McLemore could be the number one pick overall in three months.

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