Miranda Lambert Stands By Blake Shelton On Red Carpet Despite Cheating Rumors; Will Blake Stand By Lambert, Who Threatened To Punch Woman?

Miranda Lambert is supporting husband Blake Shelton, despite recent rumors that he cheated on her with musician Cady Groves. Miranda Lambert showed her support by attending The Voice's season 4 premiere party with Shelton in Hollywood yesterday, on March 20.

"They posed together on the carpet for a few pictures with their arms around each other," a source told Us Weekly. "Then Miranda went straight in as Blake began his interviews.

Shelton addressed the infidelity rumors with humor on twitter a few days earlier. He tweeted, "Hey Miranda...I just read in a tabloid that our marriage is falling apart."

Lambert responded, "Oh no! Can't wait to read if we make it or not." The couple has fended off tabloid rumors in the past.

In November 2012, Lambert and Shelton denied rumors that Lambert was pregnant.

They have learned to focus on what makes the other happy. Shelton told Redbook, "We accept and understand each other. Miranda would never want to tame me into being somebody I'm not, and I would never try to do that to her. I think a lot of it has to do with feeling settled and lucky to have ended up with the person I really wanted to be with. To me, that's being tamed in the best possible way."

He added, "I'm never going to listen to someone trash my wife. I think you have to be willing to take a bullet for somebody if you're going to stand up there, take your vows, and be married to them for the rest of your life."

Unfortunately, Shelton may have to stick up for his wife for a while longer.

The National Enquirer posted a story claiming Miranda Lambert released a foul-mouthed rant on an antique shop owner in a small town, even threatening to punch the woman.

Melanie Peden claims Lambert raged on her on March 5, just a few doors down from Lambert's boutique in Tishimongo, Oklahoma. Allegedly, Miranda accused Peden of stealing her property.

"She had a complete meltdown and threatened to 'punch me in the mouth' if I kept talking," Peden told the Enquirer. Peden explained that Lambert had been interested in her shop space when it went on the market a few years ago.

"I was stunned and a little bit scared too, because she was growling and yelling at me like a crazy lady. She's got a real anger problem and needs help. But I stood my ground and asked her to leave my store."

Peden says she filed a police report against Lambert the next day. 

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