Michele Bachmann Runs From Reporter Dana Bash Of CNN When Asked To Comment On False Claims About White House’s ‘Lavish Lifestyle’ [VIDEO]

Michele Bachmann runs from reporter Dana Bash in a video that's quickly going viral.

Bachmann attempted to run from CNN correspondent Dana Bash on Tuesday, March 19 when asked about false claims Bachmann made during recent speech to the CPAC conference, according to Huffington Post. The video showing Michele Bachmann running from the reporter can be viewed below. 

On his show, Anderson Cooper talked about the incident with Michele Bachmann, saying, "She literally raced away from our Dana Bash."

At the CPAC speech, Bachmann started off talking about Obama's response to the Benghazi, Libya attacks. But, Bachmann quickly diverged into a rant about the 'lavish lifestyle' Obama leads in the White House. She claimed that the White House has a professional dog walker and multiple chefs who are being paid with taxpayer money.

However, The Washington Post's fact checker called those allegations absurd. Anderson Cooper addressed the issue on his show.

Cooper said, "The claims of $1.4 billion in White House perks and excess, they fail on the facts in simple fairness. He continued:

"Congresswoman Bachmann apparently got her information from a 131-page self-published book by a long-time Republican lobbyist. The book provides no specific sourcing for the claims it makes. No sourcing. According to the Washington Post, which dug into this, the only scholarly work on the subject was published in 2010 by the left leaning Brookings Institution. It found the Bush White House in 2008 cost about $1.6 billion to run. Nearly $1.1 billion of which went to the Secret Service and the White House chopper fleet, not perks. If Congresswoman Bachmann is right, and that's a big if, the current occupants are actually $200 million cheaper."

To check up on Bachmann's claims, CNN sent Dana Bash to talk to her.

Bash told Anderson Cooper, "She was moving so fast, I have to tell you it tested my endurance."

The CNN show then aired video footage of Bachmann attempting to run away from Bash, who was out of breath and asking her about the claims.

Bash said, "You talked about the excesses that he's engaged in, the fact that he has a dog walker, which is not true."

"The big point of my speech was about Benghazi. This was an absolute disaster," Bachmann said, snapping at Bash for bringing up the dog walker.

Bash responded, "But Congresswoman, you're the one who brought it up!"

Bachmann then tried to run away.

After airing the clip, Anderson Cooper said, "What's amazing about the quote is she tried to turn it against you as if, how dare you bring up a dog walker, something so petty when because of the horror of what happened in Benghazi."

Bash responded, "It takes a lot to make me speechless. I was speechless."

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