Amanda Bynes Outrageous Tweet Series Continues; Former Actress Wants Drake To "Murder Her Vagina"

Amanda Bynes seems to have been hitting the social media scene very hard lately, committed to cause as much controversy as she can. Her latest tweet, presumed to be a hack, although after 13 hours could well be authentic and real, says she wanted Drake to murder her vagina.

She tweeted it at 1:09 AM, Thursday.

Rumormongers, gossip columnists and any blogger even showing a hint of interest in entertainment news have known that Amanda Bynes has been on a downward slope with her life since leaving acting. Everybody also knows that she has a huge crush on the Canadian rapper since she recently tweeted that he was a hot fellow, with pictures of the rapper included in the tweet.

The former Nickelodeon star has apparently lost any interests in being pursued and probably bored with sending heir baits showing interests and took the risky road of asking for what she wants. She did it in the most public and vulgar way possible.

Many of Bynes’s 331,830 followers (at the time of this writing), commented on the vulgar and racy tweet. Some found it humorous and engaging, while others were simply appalled and shocked.

“She’s gone crazy,” according to one user, while another says “She has to be hacked or [something].”

Other tweets with the Amanda Bynes keyword on the famous information network dubbed her as the new Lindsay Lohan.

Entertainment journalists write though that Drake should take serious caution and carefully weigh-in the offer (in all sarcasm). However, he needs to take a serious look at the self-proclaimed millionaire's track record, which has been nothing but unstable. A friend of Bynes’ last week told a hugely popular entertainment website that the former actress is “blissfully unaware” of her erratic behavior.

“Amanda has absolutely no idea about the reputation she’s getting for all her weird behavior,” the source told the blog. “In fact, when she got her DUI and those hit-and-run allegations all she talked about was the publicity she was finally getting!”

Bynes also caused stir when she recently tweeted a picture of herself, which was far removed from the sweetheart image she once had. News and reports of her constant and excessive marijuana use has been a staple of heir current public brand image, causing many to have serious concern on the behavior of the actress.

Bynes has officially retired from acting, announcing her move on Twitter as well. Her last memorable serious acting role was in the film, “Hairspray” back in 2007. She also did an appearance in the Penn Badgley and Emma Stone flick, "Easy A".

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