Pippa Middleton Dropped By Literary Agent After Party Book Fails To Sell

Literary agent David Goodwin dropped celebrity client Pippa Middleton after her book "Celebrate: A Year of British Festivities for Families and Friends" did not sell well.

Pippa was reportedly give a book advance equal to $640,000 American. This was the first book attempt by Pippa Middleton, sister to Britain's future Queen Kate.

David Goodwin is a well-known British literary agent. His clients include literary heavy weights like Claire Tomalin author of "Charles Dickens: A life." He is also an agent to novelist Vikram Seth author of "A Suitable Boy."

Goodwin confirmed to the Daily Mail that Pippa was dropped as one of his clients. "I am very sorry it has happened, but yes, it is true: I no longer represent Pippa and wish her every good luck."

Pippa's book "Celebrate: A Year of British Festivities for Families and Friends" bombed in bookstores. Storeowners slashed the price from £25 to £6.25 in an attempt to move the product off of shelves, but it did not work well.

Very few critics actually like Pippa's book, it was met largely with mockery for its contents. During the first week it was in stores the book only sold 2,000 copies.

Online magazine Independent Woman says the book was only awarded one start from the Daily Telegraph.

The online magazine also says, "it was mocked for its banal descriptions of how to hold a sack race, (the first person to cross the finish line is declared the winner) and ideas for providing ice at parties- make batches of your own and store in freezer."

A food writer for the Christian Science Monitor was willing to give Pippa's book a chance. Pippa does have party planning experience working for her family's company.

The food writer said, "Pippa's recipes directly reflect who she is and where she is in her life - a young, single, urban woman with a background in party planning who happens to be experiencing unprecedented global attention. The recipes in "Celebrate" are simple and yet they are more creative than just pouring out a bag of chips and popping open a jar of salsa."

Despite being dropped from her literary agent Pippa's writing career is not over. Beginning in April, Pippa will write her own column for the supermarket chain magazine Waitrose Kitchen. The column will be called Pippa's Friday Night Feasts."


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