White Supremacist Suspected In Death Of Colorado Department Of Corrections Director Shot And Killed By Police

Evan Spencer Ebel the 28-year-old white supremacist suspected in the murder of Tom Clements was shot and killed by Texas police after a high-speed chase in Decatur Texas.

Evan Spencer Ebel was a parolee from Denver Colorado. He was a member of the white supremacist prison gang the 211 Crew. Ebel was shooting at Texas police using the same caliber bullets that were used in the shooting death of Tom Clements.

Clements was shot Tuesday March 19 when he went to answer his front door. Tom Clements was the director of the Colorado Department of Corrections. The police in Denver had named Ebel as a suspect in the shooting death of a pizza deliveryman two days before Clements was shot.

According to Denver TV station KCNC-TV the police in Texas issued a search warrant of the white supremacist's car. Inside the Cadillac was a pizza deliverer's jacket.

The car also matches a witness description of the vehicle fleeing the scene after Tom Clements was shot.

It is not clear how the car chase between the police and the white supremacist began but the Daily Mail reports Ebel shot and wounded one of the Texas police officers issuing the search warrant.

The Texas police gunned down the Denver parolee. Ebel died on Thursday after life support was ceased.

The police in Colorado are still investigating the death of Tom Clements and trying to find a connection between the dead white supremacist and the Director of the Colorado Department of Corrections.

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