Biden’s Hotel Tab For European Trip Cost Taxpayers A Hefty $1 Million: U.S. Veep And Entourage Booked 136 Rooms In Luxury Hotels

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s hotel tab seems to have gotten a lot of spotlight recently. Multiple news outlets report that the veep's trip to Paris and London has costs taxpayers a total of $1 million. According to the Weekly Standard, his one evening stay in Paris, at the magnificent Hotel Intercontinental Paris Le Grand, rang up a bill of $585,000.50. Mr. Biden’s hotel tab was that high because according to reports, the vice president and company must have rented more than 100 rooms.

It would seem that team Biden for this trip did not opt or go for any of the group discount rates available.

The newspaper discovered Biden’s hotel tab after seeing the official contract filing that can be accessed online, which shows how much the government paid for the hotel bill.

Aside from the total price of the rooms booked for the night, very little details are known of the trip. However, hotel ads show that the Intercontinental runs a promotion where guests can “find a lower price elsewhere and your first night is free.” But the vice president and security detail reportedly have not taken up the offer. Or else, it would cost taxpayers far less than the half-a-million dollars that was spent to cover the team's one-night accommodation.

The LeGrand does not have a Vice Presidential suite. An assumptions and part of the reason Biden’s hotel tab was that high is because he and Mrs. Biden must have stayed at the two-room Presidential Suite which goes for 2,975.00 euros per night.

The 1,851-square foot suite features an entertainment area, marble bathrooms and expensive top-of-the-line linens.

The Vice President and his wife, Dr Jill Biden, was traveling to their first stop in Germany, prior to heading to Paris and capping off the Vice Presidential trip in London on February 5.

While in London, the Administration paid $459,388 for Biden and, once again, his enormous entourage at the Hyatt Regency London Churchill Hotel. Documents showed that Biden and party booked 136 rooms at the Churchill equivalent to 893 room nights. That would be equivalent to paying $514 per night.

Steve Ellis of Taxpayers for Common Sense opined that, “I would never expect the president’s or vice president’s travel would be cheap…. but it seems excessive.”

One of the outlets reporting the news, the New York Post, reached out to the vice president’s office and the State Department to ask who accompanied Biden and why the hotel stays costs so much. They did not receive a response.

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