Jesus Stomping Apology: Florida Atlantic University Apologizes For Jesus Stomping Assignment [VIDEO]

Florida Atlantic University posted their apology on their website about the controversial assignment, where the student claims he was suspended after refusing to stop his foot on a piece of paper with the name "Jesus" written on it.

The apology on Saturday states, "This exercise will not be used again. The University holds dear its core values. We sincerely apologize for any offense this caused. Florida Atlantic University respects all religious and welcomes people of all faiths, backgrounds and beliefs."

The assignment was given during Intercultural Communication and junior Ryan Rotela refused to participate in the assignment by his professor, Deandre Poole, three weeks ago.

However Rotela according to Mediaite on Friday has been forbidden from returning to his intercultural communications class.

"I said to the professor, 'With all due respect to your authority as a professor, I just do not believe what you told us to do was appropriate, I believe it was unprofessional, and I was deeply offended by what you told me to do.'" Rotela told WPEC-TV.

"I'm being punished," Rotela said. "And like I said, I'm still waiting for an apology from somebody."

FAU officials acknowledged, noting that the incident has "attracted public attention and has aroused concern on the part of some individuals and groups."

"The course is taught by a non-tenured instructor on an annual appointment," according to FAU. "Contrary to some media reports, no students were forced to take part in the exercise; the instructor told all of the students in the class that they could choose whether or not to participate."

However initially FAU defended the lesson before issuing the apology, Fox reported an interview with Rotela, a Mormon who refused to participate in the exercise.

"He had us all stand up and he said 'stomp on it,'" the student, Rotela, explained. "I picked up the paper from the floor and put it right back on the table. I'm not going to be sitting in a class having my religious rights desecrated.

"Any time you stomp on something it shows you believe that it has no value," he continued. "If you were to stomp on the word Jesus - it says the word has no value."

"While we do not comment on personnel matters, and while student privacy laws prevent us from commenting on any specific student at the University, we can confirm that no student has been expelled, suspended or disciplined by the University as a result of any activity that took place during this class," FAU officials added.

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