Father Kills Son, Self, Wounds Wife During Custody Exchange in Pennsylvania, 'Words Can't Describe The Scene, Heartbreaking'

A father kills son and died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound also wounded his estranged wife, Hollie Jo, during a custody exchange in Pennsylvania this weekend.

Police said Kenneth Ayers, 52, also believed to have shot his mother during the altercation in Huntingdon County during a supervised visit Saturday morning.

Hollie Jo Ayers was transported to a hospital and is expected to survive, according to police.

The tragic incident occurred during a routine custody exchange, although Ayer's wife, Hollie Jo, filed "protection from abuser order" against him, but was permitted visits with the couple's son. During the visit, at his mother's home, Ayers and Jo got into a heated argument then pulled out a handgun shooting the woman in her arms and legs before intentionally shooting his 2-year-old son.

Ayers' placed the child's body in the back of his truck and shot his wife again in the face as she was retrieving her son.

Ayers' reportedly fired shots at his mother, who tried to intervene, however he missed.

Huntingdon County District Attorney George Zanic said, "Words can't describe the scene ... heartbreaking."

Ayers' body was found miles away in a deserted area of Warriors Mark Township. Investigators said he died of self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Stat police Cpl. Daniel Sneath said investigators are trying to determine what sparked the argument that led to the shooting and why Ayers was carrying a gun when it was forbidden in the restraining order.

Police will conduct an autopsy to determine whether Ayers was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the shooting.

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