Man Dies at Rock Arch While Attempting To Swing On Rope in Utah [VIDEO]

A 22-year-old man died over the weekend while attempting to swing from the Corona Arch near Moab, a stunt made popular by YouTube.

Grand County officials say Kyle Lee Stocking miscalculated the length of the rope, that he used to swing from the arch and struck the ground, killing him.

The accident occurred around 3:30 p.m. Sunday. Stocking was reported to have been with 5 of his friends who witnessed the accident.

 Grand County Sheriff's Office, Grand County Search and Rescue, St. Mary's Careflight and Grand County EMS all responded to the scene. However Stocking was reported to have died at the scene.

Corona Arch located near the Gold Bar Recreation Area became a popular spot for swinging on the rock arch, as a viral video that involves using rock climbing ropes and jumping from near the top of the arch. The YouTube clip titled, "World's Largest Rope Swing" reached more than 17 million views since posted last February.

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