HS Senior Lifts 700 Pounds: High School Student Matt Poursoltani Breaks Own Weight Lifting Record [VIDEO]

Pilot Point high school senior Matt Poursoltani broke a power lifting record he previously set when he benched 700 pounds.

Poursoltani was at a Texas state power lifting meet on Saturday when he broke the record. Poursoltani set the previous record by lifting 670 pound. Poursoltani came close to breaking the 705 pound record set by the NFL's Larry Allen.

The video of the high school senior lifting 700 pounds has gone viral. The teen is a prospect for football programs at the top colleges. His show of strength is more impressive, given the kid's age and weight of 270 pounds.

His coach and teammates have started called Poursoltani 'The Freak Show' because of his superman strength.

The Dallas News profiled the teen before his record breaking meet. In the piece, writer David Just talks about Poursoltani's eating habits and his thoughts on steroid use.

"The senior eats six sunny-side-up eggs every morning along with whatever meat he can get his hands on. Bacon, sausage and cans of tuna have all become staples in his diet. He eats protein-rich foods but eschews protein shakes. Lunch is usually a sandwich with cold cuts, and one recent dinner consisted of two 16-ounce steaks and collard greens. He has been asked by friends, fans and even by his teammates if he uses steroids. He confidently tells all of them no."

"If you need something to help you work out, you need to get out of the sport," Poursoltani said. "If you can't drive yourself that hard to come in here and work out, then it's probably just not for you."

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