NBC Robin Roberts Tweet: Ann Curry Denied Tweet Support To Ill Roberts Fear of 'Aiding The Enemy'

NBC reportedly denied Ann Curry of sending a supportive tweet to Robin Roberts.

Curry asked NBC to tweet a "note of sympathy" to ailing Roberts, who as fighting myelodysplastic syndrome. The answer she received was a simple, "No."

Gawker reports, ""When Robin Roberts left 'Good Morning America' to get treatment for MDS, Curry asked NBC if she could tweet a note of sympathy for the ABC co-host. NBC said no, afraid she was trying to aid the enemy."

Perhaps NBC feared because of the timing, as Curry suddenly announced her departure just one month before Roberts left "Good Morning America" for a bone marrow transplant in beating the blood disease.

Also the network didn't want to deal with rumors that Curry was jumping networks, something that would look even worse than the rumor that she was actually fired from "Today." But then sending a well-wished note to a colleague, even a rival colleague should not have been denied.

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