Will Smith Says 'Django' Was Not For Me: Actor Says He Turned Down Tarantino Because He Wasn't Offered The Lead Role

Will Smith turned down a role in the Quentin Tarantino "Django" because it wasn't a lead role, the actor told Entertainment Weekly on Monday.

"Django wasn't the lead, so it was like, I need to be the lead," Smith said. "The other character was the lead...I was like, 'No, Quentin, please, I need to kill the bad guy!'"

Ironically, as CNN points out, Jamie Foxx, who took the role Will Smith was offered, ended up being promoted as the film's lead.

Christoph Waltz, appearing in the "Django" role Will Smith didn't want to play second fiddle to, won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.

"We participated in a hero's journey, the hero here being Quentin," Waltz said as he accepted his award for "Django" at the 2013 Oscars.

Jamie Foxx ended up playing the role offered to Smith.

Will Smith said he loved "Django" despite missing out on a part in the film.

"I thought it was brilliant," Smith said. "Just not for me."

A report of Will Smith turning down the "Django" role infuriated some Tarantino fans in the UK, who took to Yahoo Movies to vent.

"Ego--what ask Tarantino to re-write the script so the slave is the lead!" wrote William on Tuesday. "The film is called 'Django' not Dr. Schultz who gets killed anyway, Django/Will is the hero. Hollywood A-Listers Samuel [Jackson] and [Leonardo] DiCaprio play small parts but they're fantastic and it makes the film what it is. Your loss Will--Foxx is fantastic."

"Arrogant Mr. Smith, write the theme tune sing the theme tune direct the movie and be the lead...blah blah..." wrote Johnny.

Reader Dave agrees.

"Is that not a touch of arrogance on Will Smith's part, that he needs to be the 'lead,'" he wrote.

Yahoo reader John wonders why Will Smith's refusal of the "Django" role is even newsworthy.

"Relevance of this incredibly BORING story?" he asked. "Watch the film and enjoy it don't keep telling us who could have played the role--get over it!!!"

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