Jerry Sandusky Laughs At Victim's Testimony During Interview

The former assistant coach for the Penn State football team Jerry Sandusky was recorded laughing at one of his accusers during an interview.

Jerry Sandusky and Joe Paterno, the deceased head coach of Penn State, were both accused of pedophilia. Joe Paterno died of lung cancer before he could be tried. Jerry Sandusky was convicted 9-months ago.

John Ziegler is a filmmaker who believes Paterno and Sandusky are innocent. He conducted an interview with Sandusky and showed the former coach video of his victims testimony. Sandusky laughs as he explains his side of the story.

NBC's the "Today Show" aired excerpts from Ziegler's film Framing Paterno including the video of Sandusky laughing. Jerry Sandusky has not done public interviews before. However he has always maintained his innocence against the charge he sexually abused 10 boys in the Penn State locker room shower.

On the Framing Paterno website John Ziegler defends Joe Paterno and says he wants to restore the accused coach's reputation.

"This website is dedicated to compiling and analyzing the evidence that an out of control news media created a false narrative in the Jerry Sandusky scandal, which effectively framed Joe Paterno for crimes he obviously didn't commit and of which he may have had very limited knowledge. This has resulted in an unjust destruction of a man's entire life work and legacy, while doing incredible damage to a university and football program, which likely did not deserve the unprecedented and illogical punishments they received. At the very least, we have witnessed a colossal rush to judgment."

NBC's the "Today Show" has come under attack for airing the interview with Sandusky. People feel that NBC has prolonged the victims suffering and given a pedophile a media platform.

Matt Lauer anchored the segment with John Ziegler. Ziegler spoke about how he came to the conclusions that Paterno and Sandusky were not guilty of the charges against them.

NBC then aired the interview Ziegler conducted with Sandusky. Sandusky attacks the credibility of witness Mike McQueary.

"I think these investigators, the way they went about business. His story changed a lot."

Lauer then played a clip of Sandusky laughing when he talked about the accusation he raped his second victim in the shower.

"I don't understand how anybody would have walked into that locker room from where he was and heard sounds associated that was sex going on," Sandusky laughs as he says this to Ziegler.

NBC kept the identity of the child Sandusky is accused of raping confidential despite Ziegler revealing his name in the documentary.

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