Duggars Considering Adoption? Next Child Might Come Through Adopting, Jim Bob and Michelle 'Open To The Idea'

The Duggars are still looking to expand their big family. Jim Bob and Michelle already have 19 children, two grandchildren shared adoption may be the path they take for their next child.

"We are open to the idea of adoption," the TLC reality star mom told People. "We are praying about it, and we will see what God has in store. Love for children has been placed on our hearts."

In the past some have wondered why Duggars didn't consider adoption, during the family's recent trip to China, the Duggars were moved by a visit to an orphanage in China.

"The kids are definitely pushing towards wanting us to open our home to another child or more," Michelle added. "They see how much we have been blessed with and how little so many children have and they want to share.

"We tell our children that would have to be something that is God's will for our family, and we will see if it is. Our children love children, and we all do."

Michelle lost a baby girl in her last pregnancy due to a miscarriage in 2011. However that doesn't stop the couple from considering their future, whether it is pregnancy or an adoption.

"We are open to whatever is in store," she said. "It doesn't really matter whether I would have another child or we would adopt, but we want to approach it with an open heart."

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