16,000 Dead Pigs, 1,000 Dead Ducks In River, What The Heck Is Going On In China? [VIDEO]

Earlier this month, news spread that thousands of diseased dead pigs, approximately 16,000, had been found in a Chinese river, today we can add 1,000 dead ducks to that number.

The 16,000 dead pigs were discovered floating in a river outside of Shanghai about two weeks ago and now it has been reported that roughly 1,000 ducks have been found floating in the same river.

The alarming scene has many worried about the safety of the residents as the river in question supplies drinking water to the city of Shanghai.

Shanghai city officials have told residents not to worry, there are no health risks from drinking the water. But the dead pigs and ducks we found in the river that directly supplies water to the city, and more tests need to be done to be absolutely certain.

The source of the dead, rotting animals is still unknown, but authorities are currently following up on a theory to determine where they are coming from.

Because pork is a staple in the Chinese diet, there are a lot of pig farms around. And with that many pigs, disease is commonly spread among the farm animals. When a pig is suffering or dying, many farmers just throw the body into the river.

Local police received a complaint from people living near the river about the horrible smell coming from the dead ducks found in the same river.

The ducks found had been dead for varying lengths of time and some were discovered wrapped in plastic bags, so authorities on the scene declared foul play rather than an environmental cause.

It is assumed that the ducks were disposed of somewhere upstream and the river has gradually moved them down towards the city.

As with the 16,000 dead pigs found, authorities are collecting the carcases from the river and burying them.

The terrible situation has many around the globe wondering just what the heck is going on in China.

Chinese officials insist there is no threat to the people in the neighboring city of Shanghai and are doing their best to get to the bottom of it.

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