A Live Bomb Found Inside A Live Squid In China Sets Off Questions On To How it Got There

When a monger at a Chinese fish market went to cut into a squid Monday, he found a live bomb inside its belly that could have gone off at any moment.

The scare took place in a seafood bazaar in Guangdong, the New York Daily News reported.  The province south of China found the three-pound explosive inside the three-foot cephalopod when a customer asked for some squid.

"Perhaps he thought the bomb was his favorite food and gulped it down," the fishmonger who identified himself as Mr Huang told the Guangzhou Daily. "He certainly had a big belly when he was caught."

Huang immediately called police, the Daily News reported. When police arrived, they took the ordiance away to perform a controlled explosion.

Authorities said the bomb might have been dropped by a fighter plane and washed into the area where squids find their food. The police said they would not reveal how old it was or whether it was of Chinese origin.

This sort of squid lives close to the shore and normally makes a meal of small fish and prawns

When Huang sank his knife into the sea-creature's soft flesh, the blade struck something hard and metallic. He opened it up to find the eight-inch explosive that experts later revealed could have gone off at any moment.

"This sort of squid lives close to the shore and normally makes a meal of small fish and prawns," Huang said.

The squid had been caught in shallow waters just off the Guangdong province and taken to a local fish market.

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