Britain's Prince William May Be Losing His Job Thanks To US Company Buying Out Royal Air Force

30-year-old Prince William may be losing his job as a search and rescue pilot with the Royal Air Force. An American company, Bristow Helicopters, has bought out the RAF.

The Royal Air Force employees, British Navy soldiers and pilots like Prince William conduct land and sea rescue missions. Prince William pilots the iconic Sea-King Choppers, which will now be out of use. The American company, Texas-based Bristow Helicopters, will be using 22 brand new helicopters when conducting rescue operations.

Bristow Helicopters will also be using civilian contracts, meaning Prince William may be losing his job.

The Royal Air Force has been operating for 70-years. British media is reporting that the RAF has been talking about becoming a private company for some time. As for those who work for the RAF, like Prince William, they are in danger of losing their jobs to civilian contracts.

Some RAF employees are expected to apply for jobs within the new privatized company, but it is unclear what Prince William is going to do if he loses his job.

Unlike most of the employees working for the RAF, Prince William does not have to worry about making ends meet. The Prince is heir to the English throne and will one day be the Commander-In-Chief of the British Army.

According to The Sun, Prince William voiced his concern about privatizing the RAF in 2011 to Britain's Prime Minister, David Cameron. The Prince worried about losing his job and the jobs of his fellow RAF pilots. He is also concerned the new rescue service will have a different feel when conducting missions: More corporate and less human.

The British Department of Transport believes that the new company and the modern helicopters will be faster and more efficient, allowing the aircrafts to reach more of the country.

The 22 new helicopters will operate out of 10 locations around the United Kingdom.

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