Who Killed Bin Laden? Dispute Over Bin Laden Shooter Starts Controversy Amongst Conflicting Stories

In February of 2013 Esquire Magazine published a piece about the man who shot and killed Osama Bin Laden. Now another member of Seal Team Six has come forward to tell CNN the Esquire story is false. This has begun a major dispute about the Bin Laden shooter.

Technically members of Seal Team Six are not supposed to speak about the raid on Osama Bin Laden but that has not stopped three members of the Navy team from coming forward. The conflicting reports about the Bin Laden shooter begins with the popular book "No Easy Day" by Mark Owen.

Mark Owen is a pen name used to protect the identity of the Navy Seal who wrote the book. Some media outlets chose to reveal his real name, out of respect we will not.

In Owen's account of the Bin Laden shooting, the point man was leading the team up the stairs to Bin Laden's room. He then says Bin Laden stuck his head out of the bedroom and the point man shot and wounded Bin Laden. After Bin Laden was wounded the point man followed by the team rushed into the bedroom. The point man tackled two women in Bin Laden's bedroom not knowing if they were wearing suicide vests.

The rest of the team entered the room. According to Mark Owen's account he and another SEAL shot and killed Osama Bin Laden as he lay wounded on the floor.

In "No Easy Day" Mark Owen continuously praises the point man for risking his life in order for the rest of team to complete the mission.

The new account of the Bin Laden shooter written about in Esquire Magazine is causing much dispute because the man claiming to have killed Bin Laden is taking all of the credit. Other Seals that have come forward are not only disappointed by the Shooter's lack of humility but by the false account he is spreading about what happened that night.

According to the Esquire Magazine shooter, who is only identified as "the shooter," he came face to face with Osama Bin Laden before shooting him point blank in the head.

The Esquire shooter says he walked into Bin Laden's bedroom first, ignoring the heroics of the point man and encountered Bin Laden standing up with a gun in reach. In an almost western style shoot out the Esquire shooter drew first and shot Bin Laden in the head.

After the account of the Bin Laden shooter was published in Esquire Magazine another member of SEAL Team 6 came forward to dispute the Esquire shooter's story. The unnamed SEAL says the story is false and the account in Owen's book "No Easy Day" is more accurate.

The latest member of SEAL Team 6 to come forward says the point man deserves all the credit. He tells the same story as Mark Owen. The point man went up the stairs first saw Bin Laden poke his head out then shot and wounded Bin Laden. After subduing the two women the team came in finished the job and reported to the White House Bin Laden was dead.

Pix 11 tried to contact the Seal Team 6 member who told his story to Esquire Magazine but he did not speak to them. Pix 11 reports t CNN did speak off the record with the man who conducted the Esquire interview but would not agree to be interviewed himself.

Pix 11 also says that current members of Seal Team 6 regard Mark Owen's "No Easy Day" as a more accurate account of what happened the night Bin Laden was killed.

Even Hollywood seems to be taking its cues from "No Easy Day." The film "Zero Dark Thirty" is about the hunt to find Bin Laden. The compound raid scene is very close to the events described in the book.

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