Giant Newborn Baby Weighing 15 Pounds Born Naturally To UK Woman [VIDEO]

Baby George King was born six weeks ago to his mother Jade King. The giant newborn baby was delivered naturally and weighed 15 pounds 7 ounces.

George is the second largest baby born naturally in the United Kingdom. Typically a baby that size, 15 pounds, would be delivered by C-Section. The baby's parents and doctors had no idea he would be born that size. George's birth became quiet an ordeal, even endangering his life.

After the baby's head was delivered, his 15 pound size caused him to become stuck in the birth canal. It took a team of twenty doctors to safely deliver the new born baby. At one point during the birth, George was not getting any oxygen. That is when doctors and his mother began to worry.

They doctors said the baby was stuck inside his mother's body and deprived of oxygen for 5 minutes. The doctors were, however, able to safely deliver the baby boy and get him transferred to another hospital where he was put under the care of a specialist.

Baby George is now home with his parents who say he is continuing to grow, having put on another pound since his birth. Because the baby was born weighing 15 pounds, he could not wear new born clothes and had to skip ahead to clothes for 4-6 month olds.

Doctors are still not sure why baby George was born so big. His mother is just glad he is okay. The baby's parents have been taking George for regular check-ups and he had an MRI.

"It might just be that he's a little bit slow with his learning and things like that so hopefully it's just minor little things," Jade King said in an interview.

"He's a little miracle," King laughed and added "well a big miracle really."

Jade King packed away all the unused new born cloths she had ready for George. The Kings are putting off having more children for now and focusing on their big miracle.

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