Rapist 34 Years: Fugitive Caught in Maine After 34 Years On The Run

A convicted rapist has been on the run for 34 years was found and captured in Maine on Wednesday.

Gary Allen Irving was 18 back in 1979, now in his 50s became one of the most wanted fugitives in Massachusetts who was facing a possible life sentence convicted of three counts of rape at that time, was captured in Gorham, Maine, where he had been living since 2002.

Massachusetts State Police say Irving adopted his name to Gregg Irving, changed his date of birth and began a new life with a wife, two children and a granddaughter.

"Certainly they're very violent crimes and it's a relief at least to our community that he has been apprehended," Gorham Police Lt. Christopher Sanborn told NBC News.

"He was always pleasant and nice, always liked him. Never know who's living next door I guess", said neighbor Patricia Dixon.

Irving will be processed Friday at court in Portland, Maine as a fugitive from justice, police spokesman David Procopio said.

"These fugitive investigators on the Massachusetts State Police have never ceased their efforts to find him," he said. "We know the tenacity of these guys. It shouldn't come as a surprise to anybody that they'll find you, eventually."

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