Chris Cuomo: CNN's Co-Host of CNN Morning Show With Kate Bolduan

Chris Cuomo was selected to co-host a morning show with Kate Bolduan to debut later this spring, in hopes of creating something distinctive.

Jim Murphy, senior executive producer promised viewers a "different kind of conversation and a fresher and more energetic program than they're used to."

"Chris is an accomplished anchor who is already an established name in morning television, as well as a widely respected investigate journalist," said president of CNN Jeff Zucker. "What I love about Chris is that he is passionate about every story he tells, never forgets about the viewer, and represents the type of journalism that makes CNN great."

It will also feature Los Angeles local TV anchor Michaela Pereria as the news anchor.

"Chris, Kate and Michaela are a dynamic team that will give our viewers in America a new way to start their day. We were floored with excitement when we saw Chris and Kate together onscreen, and by adding Michaela to the mix, we feel we have something very special. We believe there is an opening to do news in the morning with a fresh, new voice," Zucker added.

Cuomo left ABC News to CNN in January 2013, previously was the news anchor at "Good Morning America" from 2006 to 2009 and went to "20/20" after George Stephanopoulos got the main hosting job in the morning.

"It is a huge opportunity to work on this new show," Bolduan said "Knowing that we have the resources of some of the most experienced executives in the business, the backing of a brand like CNN and to be able to sit alongside such great people as Chris and Michaela -- I can't think of a better combination."

Cuomo adds, "This has been a rare pleasure for me. Meeting Kate and Michaela onscreen and off, I knew right away that this is my TV family."

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