Bison Attack Nearly Kills A Man In Utah: This Isn't The First Time A Bison Has Got Loose And Attempted To Hurt People [VIDEO]

A man, who reportedly provoked a bison, was rammed into a fence by the 1,500 lbs. beast last weekend in Utah.

Following the incident, Al Nash, a park spokesman, told KPAX that people should stay at least 25 yards away from bison or elk.

"This is a wild place, and these are wild animals. They are bigger than you, and the only person who can look out for your safety is you," he said.

According to the website of Defenders of Wildlife, bison -- an endangered species -- can reach speeds of up to 35 mph. Yellowstone National Park has the "largest population of free-roaming plains bison," the website notes.

According to a report from last September, a group of tourists in Yellowstone National Park learned this lesson the hard way when they were charged by an angry bison they had approached.

"This group has no idea how incredibly lucky they were that no one was injured or killed," the West Yellowstone Chamber of Commerce wrote in a Facebook post about the close call. "Yellowstone is an incredible place that allows us all to experience wildlife in a way that can you can nowhere in the world. But it is also a place where safety rules regarding wildlife and thermal features are so important to follow."

The man appeared to be uninjured after he was slammed, but he "is very, very, very lucky that he wasn't killed," assistant park manager John Sullivan told KSL TV.

"The [bison] had gone through the gate section that's located real close to where he got hit and looked like he was going to run off the field," witness Wayne Ebenroth of Boise told KSL. had to have done something to catch the [bison's] attention, because that's when he turned around and decided to pay him a visit. The bison was just not comfortable with how close he was hanging out with him."

View Video of the incident HERE

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