Facebook Home Unveiled, Bringing Facebook To Your Home Screen Of Your Smartphone: Mark Zuckerberg Explains

Facebook unveiled Facebook Home Thursday, which is an operating system that deeply integrates features of the service, at an event at its Menlo Park, Calif., headquarters.

This new feature will take over the home screen of your smart phone. It brings Facebook to your home screen.

Home features an interface focused on the user's circle of Facebook friends, allowing them to swipe between pictures, status updates and other important events. It also integrates messaging into a new feature called Chat Heads, icons with profile pictures that pop up when receiving text or Facebook messages, according to USA Today.

You can like a picture without having to open the Facebook app. This speeds up the process of social networking to an even new level.

"Our phones are designed around apps and not people," says Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. "We want to flip that around." He said that he wants the people to come first and if you want to interact with apps, go ahead.

The Facebook Home allows for the social network to increase revenue by allowing more room for advertisers.

According to a report from research firm eMarketer, the company will hit nearly $1 billion a year in ad revenue.

With one swipe, the app can be brought up, Zuckerberg said at the conference. It allows you to explore multiple apps without losing out on regular Facebook page.

"We think this is the best version of Facebook there is," Zuckerberg said.

Facebook Home will also be available April 12 on Android devices such as the HTC One, the Samsung Galaxy Note II and the Galaxy SIII and S4.

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