John Redwood Pays Tribute To Margaret Thatcher Calling Her “The Best Boss,” Compares Her To Historic Queen Elizabeth I

John Redwood was the former Chief Policy Advisor to Britain's Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the mid 1980's. Redwood paid tribute to Britain's first female Prime Minister on his blog April 9. Redwood also appeared in a televised tribute to Thatcher made by Parliament.

Margaret Thatcher died on April 8 after suffering a stroke. Known as the "Iron Lady," Thatcher had a reputation as being cold and uncaring. She is also credited with dividing a nation with her policies and causing high unemployment rates.

Despite her tough reputation, John Redwood said that Margaret Thatcher was the "best boss I worked for." In his blog, Redwood praised Thatcher for her hard work. He said it was not easy for a woman to be Prime Minister in a political world dominated by men. John Redwood said, "Margaret handled all that so well it rarely became an issue."

"Margaret Thatcher was the best boss I ever worked for. As her Chief Policy Adviser in the mid 1980s I was impressed by the honesty of her approach, her willingness to wrestle with difficult issues and problems. Her prime wish was always to find the right answer that would make things better for the UK."

Redwood also said that the fact Thatcher was a woman brought a new perspective to policies and politics. He said as a woman, Thatcher was able to clear up all the scrambled ideas of her male counterparts and speak to electors in a more direct fashion.

"I think the fact that she was very much a woman enabled her to cut loose from the clubbable world of the male Conservative MPs, and to speak more directly to electors. Being a woman meant she looked different from most people's idea of a leading politician, and was different. Just as England's great Virgin Queen, Gloriana, Elizabeth I presided over an incredible English renaissance, so Margaret Thatcher put the Great back into Great Britain after a decade of disaster and defeatism."

John Redwood added, "Just as Elizabeth constructed great Protestant alliances to keep England safe from the predatory threats of the Catholic powers, so Margaret built a stronger alliance with the USA to blow the cruel walls of communism down from the west just as the USSR began to realize the game was up from the east."

Not everyone is impressed with John Redwood's tribute to Margaret Thatcher. Since making the Margaret Thatcher comments, Redwood's name has been all over Twitter with people making fun of his television tribute to Margaret Thatcher and calling him names. He is not a popular political figure in the UK.

Will Black tweeted, "John Redwood giving his tribute to Thatcher looked like a disgraced clown in a court juggling imaginary balls."

James O'Brien posted a rather extreme comment about John Redwood, which highlights how unpopular he is with some of the British people,

"It's a shame John Redwood is still alive. A public hanging in Cardiff would be appropriate for that cretin."

Andrew Dowdall writes, "Wait our MP John Redwood did something that resulted in him trending in the UK? I hope it is him resigning."

John Redwood is a Tory MP and has been a member of Parliament for Wokingham since 1987.

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