Two Teens Lift 3,000-Pound Tractor And Save Their Father's Life In Oregon: The Father Was Trapped And An Ambulance Could Take 20 Minutes, Which Wouldn't Have Been Enough Time

When Jeff Smith's tractor flipped over and pinned him to the ground, the Lebanon, Ore. resident began screaming for help, the Albany Democrat-Herald reported Sunday.

His two daughters, 16-year-old Hannah and 14-year-old Haylee, came running when heard their father's cries, and managed to summon enough strength to lift Smith's 3,000-pound tractor high enough so that he could squeeze his chest out.

A man was saved by his teenaged daughters who lifted a 3,000-pound tractor that was on top of their father's chest, which saved his life Sunday.

Jeff Smith was pinned to the ground in the garden of his home in Lebanon, Ore. Medical help would have reportedly took 20 minutes to arrive, so luckily for Smith, his daughters were talking the dog when they heard him scream for his life.

His daughters, Hannah, 16, and Haylee, 14, raced over and knew it was on them to save their father's life.

"We just kind of braced ourselves on the tire and just lifted it up," Smith's daughter, Hannah, 16, told KPTV. "I don't know how I lifted it. It was just so heavy and I could feel it. I could just feel all the weight. But we just did it. We both did."

Her sister Haylee added, "God help me, this is heavy. I knew I couldn't do it myself."

Smith reported what happened to NBC News. "I reached for the shifter, but my boots had a bunch of mud on it, which slipped off the clutch and the tractor fell back on top of me."

He said the only thing he could do was scream, but even that was making the situation worse because the 3,000-pound tractor was sitting on top of Smith.

"If these two hadn't have been here to hear me.. they saved my life."

With Smith's arm still stuck under the machine, the girls called a neighbor who brought his own tractor to pull Smith free

Smith did not suffer any major injuries, but some cuts and his arm is in a cast.

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