Girls Lift Tractor Off Dad Weighing 3,000 Lbs [VIDEO]

A pair of Oregon teens saved their dad's life by lifting up a 3,000 lb tractor the man was pinned under.

On April 1 Jeff Smith was doing some garden work and riding on his tractor. A normal everyday routine that turned deadly when the tractor flipped over and pinned the man beneath it.

16-year-old Hannah Smith and her 14-year-old sister Haylee were out walking their dog when they heard their dad screaming. The two girls raced over to their dad and lifted the 3,000 lb tractor just high enough for Jeff Smith to wiggle out.

The girls' dad did not suffer any major injuries. He walked away from the accident with a few bruises, some nasty scars and a broken wrist.

Today the Oregon girls are been counted as heroes. Like most people who hear this story their dad was stunned that the two girls were able to lift the 3,000 lb tractor off of him.

"He kept on looking up at me," Hannah told the local TV reporters. "You could see his whole face was like white, his eyes were like blood shot, it was scary. I though he was going to die."

The two girls did not waste any time. The counted to three and lifted the tractor off of their dad's chest. As soon as his chest was free Hannah says she could hear her dad take a huge breath. Jeff Smith's arm however was still stuck under the tractor, but at least at this point he could breath.

A neighbor heard the commotion and came over driving in his own tractor. The neighbor was able to use his tractor to lift up the one pinning Smith's arm and free the man the rest of the way.

Jeff Smith called what his daughters did a miracle. The TV reporter said the two girls told her God gave them the strength to lift that tractor off their dad.

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