Carnival Fails Health Inspection: Fascination Had Cockroach, Flies, Dried Food Waste

The Carnival cruise ship failed health inspection by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discovered live flies, cockroach and dried food waste on the ship.

The Carnival Fascination received a failing grade of 84 in the February 21 inspection, on a scale of 100-point, anything below 86 is considered as "fail."

The CDC's Vessel Sanitation Program released the report of its finding this week.

"At the hamburger grill, there was a large fly around the uncovered raw hamburger patties. The area was open during the inspection," the report said.

It also said inspectors found there was not enough chlorine in the water park, no sneeze shield at some salad bar areas, and not enough lighting in some places.

Also dried food waste was found under a kitchen counter, with the report adding, "It appeared that the food waste was leaking through the sealant. A small fly was in this compartment."

"In the past five years, no Carnival ship has failed a U.S.P.H (U.S. Public Health) inspection and the fleet's average score during that time period is 97. The average over 20 inspections already conducted in 2013 is 97.2," Carnival spokesman Vance Gullikse told the paper.

Gullikse said that following the report, "corrective action was taken immediately, with several issues being resolved during the inspection and all issues resolved within 24 hours of the inspection."

Carnival CEO Gerry Cahill said last month that changes will be coming to the cruise line.

"I can assure you that since this fire occurred, it's been the No. 1 priority for both Carnival Cruise Lines and Carnival Corp," Cahill said, according to CBS News. He added, "You can rest assured, it's our highest priority. We will come up with some solutions that we can implement across our fleet."

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