Hamsters Rises From Dead, Was Buried By Family On Good Friday, Now Called Jesus

A hamster rises from dead! According to a report by SWNS, a two-year-old hamster that was found “cold and lifeless” from her cage reemerged alive, shortly after being buried on Good Friday.

According to the report, Lisa Kilbourne-Smith and her boyfriend James Davis were looking after Tink. They discovered her stiff as a board at the bottom of her cage. From the looks of it, the hamster is dead.

They phoned up Tink’s owner to tell them the news and then, Lisa, James, and Lisa’s dad Les wrapped up Tink in paper towels and then buried the animal in a foot-deep grave to prevent the family cat from digging her up.

But, as they would soon realize, Tink was not only able to unwrap herself but is also able to dig herself back up.

Les who was doing some recycling the next day was shocked to see the sudden appearance of Tink’s little face, as it popped out of a pile of old boxes. He said, “The energy she had to dig herself out of that hole was remarkable.”

According to a veterinarian, Tink was not dead. She was merely in a state of hibernation when she was seen at the cage, “which is often mistaken for death among hamster owners.”

Nonetheless, Les, Lisa and James still consider Tink’s “resurrection” as a legitimate Easter miracle and have reportedly taken to calling her “Jesus.”

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