Abortion Doctor Kermit Gosnell Snipped Spines Of Moving Babies At “House of Horrors” Philadelphia Clinic, Charged With Murder

Kermit Gosnell is taking abortion to a different level and his clinic has been called the “House of Horrors.”

The gruesome testimony at the murder trial levied against abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell continued Thursday. Two former employees described scenes that will strain the imagination and speak gory in every way.

Ashley Baldwin began working at the clinic when she was 15-years-old. The Women’s Medical Society is a cash-only facility located in West Philadelphia. She said she routinely assisted Gosnell with abortions and, on five different occasions, she saw babies that are moving following the procedure.

Speaking to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Baldwin, who’s now 22-years-old and with her own daughter, testified that she witnessed an aborted baby “screeching.”

“They looked just like regular babies,” said Baldwin to District Attorney Joanne Pescatore.

When asked about a fetus described in court as “Baby A,” who the prosecution contends was older than 24 weeks, the legal limit for abortion in Pennsylvania, Baldwin reminisced of the especially large baby following the procedure.

She testified and described on Thursday that, “the chest was moving.”

Gosnell is charged with eight counts of murder and trained his employees to cut the necks out of the aborted babies to sever their spinal cords. Baldwin and Lynda Williams, together with a former employee, testified on Wednesday on the matter.

Williams has already pleaded guilty to third-degree murder and testified that she’s eyewitness to her boss snipping the neck of more than 30 babies.

John McMahon, attorney for the abortion doctor, argued that his client did not kill any infants by snipping their spines. He said that the babies are already in the death throes because of the abortion drugs given to them.

Prosecutors say that Gosnell has made millions from the clinic over the years and has illegally distributed painkillers to drug dealers and addicts outside of his Philadelphia office.

He is being charged with first-degree murder in the deaths of seven babies and third-degree murder in the death of a Virginia woman undergoing abortion at Women’s Medical Society clinic.

If Gosnell is convicted, he could face the death penalty.

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