Teacher Fired For Bible Files Complaint Against Phillipsburg School District In New Jersey

A substitute teacher in New Jersey has filed a complaint against the Phillipsburg school district after he says he was fired for giving a Bible to a student.

Walt Tutka is claiming religious discrimination and retaliation, according to a report on NJ.com.

Tutka said he gave a Bible to a curious student after the two had a conversation about  the biblical verse, "So the last will be first, and the first will be last." The student asked several times where it came from, leading Tutka to show the student his personal copy of the Bible on Oct. 12. Tutka worked his last day in the district three days later, according to the complaint. The school board voted to fire him Jan. 14.

He alleged that the Superintendent, George Chando, recommended his firing because of the Bible gift.  The superintendent has not commented.

The complaint was filed Wednesday with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Newark.

The EEOC informed Walt that mediation and legal action are among his options, according to a statement from the Liberty Institute, which is a nonprofit legal group "dedicated to restoring and defending religious liberty across America." 

If Walt Tutka is telling the truth, then the complaint is just and he should be re-hired.  After all, The Bible is more than just about religion; it's the most widespread, popular piece of literature of the planet. But the consensus here is that there is more to this story than just the giving of the bible - Tutka may just have forced the religion on the student.  Hopefully, more details will come out soon.  

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