Stephen Hawking Says Earth Is Doomed: Physicist Says Human Race Won’t Survive Another 1,000 Years [VIDEO]

Famed physicist Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is doomed unless mankind further explores space so we can "escape beyond our fragile planet."

Hawking made his "earth doomed" comments at a lecture for doctors and nurses at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in West Hollywood, California. Hawking was at Cedars taking a tour of a research lab working with stem cells trying to slow the progression of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig's Disease as it is more commonly known.

Hawking now 71 was diagnosed with ALS 50-years ago while studying at Cambridge University. At first Hawking was depressed and didn't see the point in continuing with his studies but decided to keep at it anyway.

"If you understand how the universe operates, you control it in a way," The Epoch Times reports Hawking as saying.

Hawking's lecture at Cedars was titled "A Brief History of Mine," a play on the title of his best selling book, "A Brief History of Time." Hawking told his audience that he believed the human race would not survive another 1,000 years and that the earth was doomed unless we explore our universe.

Hawking believes that the human race must continue to explore as far into space as possible if we wish to survive as a people. If not Hawking says the "earth is doomed."

According to The Epoch Times, Hawking has survived longer than any other patient with ALS. Most patients diagnosed with the disease die after ten years.

ALS is a fatal disease with no cure or treatment. The disease attacks nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain that control muscle movement. "People gradually have more and more trouble breathing and moving as muscles weaken and waste away," The Epoch Times reports.

Hawking is credited with making the concepts of physics available to the masses. His book, "A Brief History of Time" sold over 10 million copies. Hailed as a genius Stephen Hawking is best know for his work trying to understand black holes and the origin of the cosmos.

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