Justin Bieber Causes Controversy With Anne Frank “Belieber” Comment [VIDEO]

While visiting the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam on Friday Justin Bieber left a message in the museum's guest book saying he hopes Anne Frank would have been a "Belieber."

According to the Anne Frank House Facebook page Bieber wrote,

"Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a Belieber."

Justin Bieber's comment about Anne Frank make it sound as though he is not sure whom he is talking about. The comment "Anne was a great girl," sounds as though he is describing a recent break up not one of the most important figures in history.

Anne frank died of typhus in 1945 while a prisoner at a Nazi concentration camp. After Otto Frank, Anne's Father was released he published Anne's diary as a way of keeping his daughter's memory alive and letting people know the truth about what happened.

Anne Frank spent two years in the house (now museum) Bieber visited, never leaving while she and her family hid from the Nazis. In August of 1944 the Nazis found and arrested Anne and her family.

While enduring through the most difficult set of circumstances few people could imagine Anne Frank never lost hope and still held onto the belief that people were basically good.

Justin Bieber's remarks about Anne Frank being a "Belieber" have not gone unnoticed. Angry comments were left on the Anne Frank House Facebook page.

Kevin Garcia Leon posted, "She would have been a what? That little idiot is way too full of himself. She's an important historical figure so show some respect."

"Glad he went, but the last sentence is very self serving. He missed the lessons of Anne totally," writes Anastasia Finnigan De Graeve.

Henry Neff says, "In 2 years he'll be a punch line; in 10 years a "oh yeah I remember him" In 20 years, he will be forgotten. In 200 years, people will still be admiring Anne Frank's courage and spirit."

"I'm shocked! If Justin Bieber really did write that than that is just completely ignorant and disrespectful. You would have thought a trip to the Anne Frank House...would have taken his ego down a peg or two," says Charlotte Louise Claydon.

Justin Bieber has not issued an apology or any other statement regarding his Anne Frank "Belieber" comment. His twitter page does not mention his visit to the Anne Frank house.

Bieber made the visit to the Anne Frank House while on a European tour. That night he was performing in the city of Arnhem in the Netherlands.

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