Ball Boy Interferes With Catch, Almost Collides With Kansas City’s Rajai Davis [VIDEO]

At Friday night's game between the Kansas City Royals and the Toronto Blue Jays a ball boy interfered with a catch as Royal's outfielder Rajai Davis tried to make a play.

The Kansas City Royals were hosting the game against the Toronto Blue Jays. When Blue Jay player Alcides Escobar was at bat, he hit a ball into foul territory. Royals' outfielder Rajai Davis made a run for the ball, unfortunately so did the ball boy.

As the ball came down Davis and the unidentified ball boy nearly collided. In the video it looks as if neither the ball boy nor the outfielder knew the other was there until the last second. The ball boy went to catch what he though was a foul ball and inadvertently interfered with the play.

The ball boy did not mean to interfere with the catch. It isn't the same situation as when a fan sticks a glove out from the stands and prevents a game winning catch or anything like that. The ball boy simply failed to notice that Davis was running after the ball.

Other reports about the ball boy interfering with the catch have poked fun at the fact that Davis should have called out "I got it!" in order to let the ball boy know not to interfere with the catch. Baseball players will often call out "I got it" in order to let a fellow teammates know who the catch belongs to.

The mistake by the ball boy did not have a dramatic impact on the game. Since there was no contact the umpires did not call it interference. The impact of a collision between Davis and the ball boy would have left both men injured had they made contact.

Some would say being a ball boy is the best job a young baseball fan could have. You get paid to sit on the field, watch a game and catch a few foul balls while you're at it. Just make sure you listen up for the "I got it" calls, don't want any more ball boys interfering with catches.

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