Space Mountain Closed: After Safety Citations, Disneyland Shuts Three Rides Down

Lines at the Disneyland resort in Anaheim, CA may be even longer than usual today-- three rides are out of commission. The park closed Space Mountain, the celebrated ride, on Sunday after receiving safety citations. Two other rides, the Matterhorn Bobsleds and Soarin' Over California, were also closed.

On Friday, California's Division of Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) issued Disneyland seven different citations. They stemmed partially from an injury to a contract worker who was performing maintenance on the exterior of the Space Mountain ride. The incident occurred in November. The citation posted on the Cal/OSHA website asserts that Disneyland failed to adequately correct "known fall hazards" and "failed to have approved anchor or approved tie-backs for contract employees to attach to when performing scheduled exterior building maintenance."

Space Mountain and the Matterhorn Bobsleds are in the main Disneyland park. Soarin' Over California, a simulated hang-glider flight, is at Disney California Avenue.

Disneyland Resorts Media Relations Director Suzi Brown told the press that the Matterhorn re-opened on Sunday, within 24 hours of closing, but she did not give details about when the other rides may be re-opened. She told the Los Angeles Times that the closures were "voluntary", out of concern for both patrons and workers (or "cast members", as Disney calls them), and the decision was made out of ''an abundance of caution." However, the closures only occurred after the citations were issued, not before-even though the incident resulting in the injury of the employee occurred in November.

Officials at Disneyland are currently double-checking security measures and equipment, conducting an internal review of safety protocol, and making sure all required equipment is in order.  "We constantly strive to maintain a safe work environment for our cast members and contractors," Brown said. Officials with Cal/OSHA did not reply on Sunday to a request for comment.

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