Six-Year-Old Pageant Winner Is A Millionaire And Isabella Barrett Enjoys What That Kind Of Money Can Buy

A six-year-old pageant winner is a millionaire? Isabella Barrett is just that.

Barrett has accumulated a million dollars through winning pageants and having her own jewelry line.

"What's not to like about being a millionaire?" she told the Mirror. "I'm a superstar, I have my own ­jewelery line and I just love being the boss. I never lose at anything and ­almost every pageant I enter, I win. But what I love more than anything is shoes. I have over 60 pairs."

The six-year-old millionaire also enjoys not what most children do. She is a frequent consumer of filet-mignon or lobster. Even her costumes total $10,000 for each set of clothing. Barrett even stars in a reality television show, called "Toddlers and Tiaras," which "follows families on their quest for sparkly crowns, big titles, and lots of cash."

Barret's mother Susanna and her father Antonio, must save a percentage of Isabella's income under U.S. law, which Isabella cannot spend until Isabella turns 18. Still, she's developing extravagant tastes.

"You see what happens to these child stars like Britney Spears and I certainly do not want that happening to my daughter," Susanna told the Mirror. "But she does like nice things, so we do treat her. That mainly means new shoes and lots of them. She has designer ones and the sparklier the better for Bella. And she has a ton of Burberry headbands."

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