Meat Loaf Gets Sick, Cancels UK Concert: Hopefully, He Didn’t Eat Any Recalled Meat

Meatloaf, who broke onto the scene with a roar with his 1977 album "Bat out of Hell",  cancelled a Nottingham show just hours before he was to go on stage.

The American rocker is touring Europe in a farewell "Last At Bat" tour. Meatloaf has said the tour will be his curtain call due to his struggles with health problems over the last several years, including illnesses like a cyst in 2007 and fainting on stage in 2011. 

Now, they've cropped up to dog even this tour. Last night, he cancelled a concert in Nottingham, which was to be the fifth of eight UK dates, because he and other members of the band got sick.  As the tour started last month, he told Reuters he didn't want to continue to travel after he completes the dates scheduled in Britain, Germany and the Netherlands. He said "I outweigh (Mick) Jagger by about 100 pounds and that counts for something. He hasn't seen the wear and tear".

On Sunday, Meatloaf addressed fans on his official Facebook page in a statement reading "We are very sorry to announce that tonight's performance has had to be postponed due to medical reasons afflicting several members of the band.' He offered full refunds to everyone who was to attend and the gig is rescheduled for May 20th. The post continued with "Meat and everyone in the band and crew send love and apologies and thanks you for understanding."

Most fans were, indeed, understanding, sending him well-wishes and messages of support. But some concertgoers planning to attend the gig were miffed about their late notice-the cancellation was announced only 15 minutes before the gates opened and an hour before the show was to start.

There's no official word yet on what the cause of the illness was. We're hoping Meatloaf  didn't eat any tainted meat from the Manda Packing Company,  the Louisiana-based supplier who recalled 468,000 pounds of meat this week-or, more likely since he's in the UK, horse burgers. 

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