Westboro Baptist Church Strikes Again: Hate Group Threatens To Picket Funerals Of Those Killed At Boston Marathon

The infamous hate group Westboro Baptist Church has threatened to picket the funerals of those killed from yesterday’s blast, which included 8-year-old boy Martin Richard. Richard was at the finish line, ready to cheer for his dad, when the blast happened.

The commentary streaming across the twitter feed of the Westboro Baptist Church was hostile and hateful and is classically in bad taste; true to form of the organization that has regularly picketed funerals of fallen soldiers.

The Westboro Baptist Church, which based in Topeka, Kansas, is a small, virulently homophobic, anti-Semitic hate group that regularly stages protests or picket institutions and individuals they think support homosexuality or otherwise subvert what they believe is God’s law. Most of its members are family of its founder, Fred Phelps.

WBC has even protested the funerals of children slain in the horrific Newtown shootings this past December and has called it an act of God and a vindication against the support on same-sex marriage.

According to the GlobalPost, given the group’s history, it comes as no surprise that members of the Westboro Baptist Church have vowed to picket the funerals of those killed at the Boston Marathon Monday.

The “church’s” official tweeter account sent the message, “God sent the Boston Marathon Bombs for the sin of Massachusetts passing same-sex marriage.”

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