President Obama Interviewed On Today Show Say It’s “Unimaginable” That Congress Won’t Pass Gun Control

The first of a two-part interview with President Obama aired on the Today Show this morning. During the interview Obama spoke about the desire Americans feel to pass stricter gun control laws in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting.

In his Today Show interview the president said he believed the gun control measures would be passed as long as Congress listens to the American people. Obama said congress would not dare "defy" the will of Americans by not passing the new law.

"I think we've got a good chance of seeing it pass if members of Congress are listening to the American people. 90% of Americans think we should make it tougher for criminals or people with serious mental illnesses to obtain a gun, the President said.

Obama continued, "And so the notion that congress would defy the overwhelming instinct of the American people after what we saw happen in Newtown I think is unimaginable."

Today Show reporter Savannah Guthrie called Obama out on the fact that he did not make any sort of push for stricter gun control legislation in the past despite other mass shootings such as the shootings in Tucson, Arizona and Aurora, Colorado.

"You are asking Democrats in conservative states to take a tough vote politically," Guthrie said to Obama. "Something you yourself did not do. You did not run on this in 2008 or 2012. Not after Tucson, not after Aurora."

"Well I think that all of us had to reflect on what we did or didn't do after Newtown," Obama interjected.

"If the question is 'is this potentially difficult politically because the gun lobby is paying attention and has shown no willingness to budge?' Then the answer is yes, that's a given. Now, if the question is what's the right thing to do and what the American people believe in, overwhelmingly. If that's what's guiding members of Congress during the next couple of weeks, then this will pass," the President concluded.

That is where the video of the interview ended. The President has been working very closely with the families of the Newtown tragedy in order to pass legislation for stricter gun control.

Family members of some of the children killed back in December were flown to Washington D.C on Air force One in order to speak with the members of Congress who will decide whether or not to pass the gun control legislation.

The second half of President Obama's interview will air Wednesday on the Today Show. The full interview is said to cover topics such as North Korea, immigration and the election of 2016.

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