Justin Bieber Caught Shadowboxing At Anne Frank House; Bieber Ignores Controversy, Posts Shirtless Pics On Instagram

Justin Bieber's now infamous guestbook signing at the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam may not have even been the worst part of his visit.

The internet exploded last weekend when the historic museum for the teenage Holocaust victim confirmed on Facebook that Bieber wrote in the guestbook, "Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber." Less than 24 hours later, outrage towards the singer resumed after photos were released of his visit that displayed some less than stellar behavior.

Daily Mail published the controversial photos, with the most glaringly offensive image being Bieber shadowboxing with a friend inside the museum as fellow tourists walked by. Bieber also kept his sunglasses on for the duration of the visit. The fashion choice was particularly odd, since most of the museum's rooms are dark in order to portray the conditions that Frank and her family lived in.

The Anne Frank Center didn't seem too upset by Justin's actions, though. In a statement obtained by E! News, they thanked Justin for his "continued display and reinforcement of positive, peaceful attitudes, and ask him and all others to help preserve the life, ideals and legacy of Anne Frank by spreading her universal message of tolerance and social justice for all." 

However, the Twittersphere's reaction to Justin's signature and shadowboxing photos was almost entirely negative. Hundreds of people slammed the singer by calling him a "moron" and a "douche," among other names.

Bieber has not directly acknowleged the controversy, but angered his detractors yesterday by choosing instead to post two shirtless self-portraits on Instagram. 

"Breaking news worldwide @justinbieber just posted 2 shirtless pictures he must be going crazy - funny people #forthefansanyways #dontbecreepin :p", he wrote.

The singer is currently on the European leg of his world tour. He is next scheduled to play a show tonight in Oslo, Norway.

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