Amanda Bynes Tweets Photo,Video Of Herself Getting Ready Looking Like "Cat Lady" Jocelyn Wildenstein...Troubled Girl Has Psychologists Weighing In

Amanda Bynes 27, tweeted a picture and video today of herself getting ready for a night out on the town, while sucking on a sour patch kid looking anything like a kid. Amanda Bynes has been hitting the New York party scene quite heavily of late and tweeting about herself constantly in her ongoing bid to control what the public sees of her following weeks of speculation about her state of mind.

The minute-long video shows Amanda with heavy make-up, puffed up lips, black eyes, and oversized eyebrows, pulling faces in the mirror and occasionally glancing at the phone, which she appears to be using to film herself.  She obviously thinks she looks great, but to the rest of us she appears that she's losing a grip on reality.

The ex-actress looks more like "cat lady" Jocelyn Wildenstein than the former adorable Nickelodeon star of "All That" and "The Amanda Show" that we once knew.

In a nutshell, the troubled girl, making daily tabloid fodder, looks crazy and is definitly suffering from a mental disorder or is on some substance that isn't kosher.

Even Psychologist are weighing in on her erratic, strange behavior.

Dr. Trevor Small, Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Director of Santa Monica's Bridges To Recovery, has suggested a bipolar diagnosis for Amanda saying:

"Typically when someone has never had any problems with the law, and all of a sudden has a string of legal issues, like Ms. Bynes has had, then this could very well be a sign that that individual is suffering from a mental health issue, such as bipolar disorder."

 "A typical symptom of bipolar disorder is when someone starts to behave impulsively, for example driving your car even though you don't have a driver's license. A healthy individual would be able to recognize that this would not be a wise decision. When a person is impulsive, a sign of bipolar disorder, they do things without thinking like shaving their hair off or drastically changing their appearance. When someone starts to act erratically and inconsistently with how they used to be, this could also be a sign of bipolar disorder. For example, locking yourself in a fitting room for over two hours. This is not normal behavior. Often times, the person will try and self medicate by using drugs and/or alcohol."

Amanda recently made the sad revelation on her Twitter page that she doesn't talk to her family anymore tweeting:

"I don't speak to my parents anymore, they don't talk to reporters on my behalf."

This was a sad revelation because this lost little girl could use all the help she can get right now.

What do you think of Amanda's latest photo op?

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