N. Korea Makes New Threats Against South; Pyongyang Says They Won’t Warn South Korea Before An Attack

N. Korea made new threats against South Korea on Tuesday and declared they would not warn the South before launching an attack.

Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, made a statement to the official N. Korean news agency, KCNA saying, "Our retaliatory action with start without any notice from now."

N. Korea is also demanding an apology from South Korea for protests held in Seoul against the North. On Tuesday the N. Koreans were celebrating the birth of their founding leader. The event was welcomed by the rest of the world, believing the N Koreans would use the occasion to relax their threats against the South.

While the N. Koreans were celebrating, the South Koreans were marching in the streets protesting the North's government and burning portraits of North Korean leaders.

North Korea vowed, "sledge hammer blows" if South Korea did not apologize for the protests.

N. Korea also directed some comments at the Unites States calling the attempts by the US to get N. Korea to come to peace talks "cunning." N. Korea said they would not be "humiliated" by showing up at the negotiating table while the US places nuclear weapons around the Korean peninsula.

N. Korea called the dispatching of B52 and B2 bombers by the US to South Korea a "hostile act."

"We do not oppose dialogue but we will not sit down at talks table in humiliation against opponents who are swinging the nuclear club against us," KCNA reports an unnamed Foreign Ministry spokesman as saying.

Despite the new threats by N. Korea and the recent threats of nuclear attacks against the US, Japan and South Korea, KCNA reports the communist nation is open to a dialogue.

"If the puppet authorities truly want dialogue and negotiations, they should apologize for all anti-DPRK hostile acts, big and small, and show the compatriots their will to stop all these acts."

While the United States Secretary of State, John Kerry was in South Korea, he said the US was willing to negotiate with N. Korea on the condition that the talks lead to the removal of nuclear weapons from North Korea's arsenal.

The White House has reported that the President of South Korea, Park Geun-hye will meet with the President of the United States and discuss the ongoing conflict in Korea and the new threats made by the North.

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