Alex Jones Says Boston Explosions Were A Government-Orchestrated "False Flag" To Undermine Radical Conservatives On Patriot Day

Just hours after the deadly bombing yesterday at the Boston Marathon, Alex Jones called the explosions a "false flag". The conservative radio host jumped right into - what else? - a conspiracy theory (it's what he does best). Jones claims the government orchestrated the Boston marathon bombing and will blame him and other conservatives.

As with Sandy Hook, 9/11, and pretty much every other national tragedy ever, he says the explosions in Boston were a "false flag" - a red herring planted and commited by the government. This time, Jones claims, it's because they want to extend the Transportation Security Administration's reach to include sporting events. The argument's good, at least strategically speaking, to get supporters riled up... after all, what could be more good ol'-rootin'-tootin'-red-blooded-All-American than a football game?

Jones' declaration is partly because April 15th is Patriot's Day, a highly significant date in the militia movement.  In 1995, McVeigh bombed Oklahoma City on Patriot's Day. In 1993, it was also the date of the FBI's raid of the Branch Davidian compound during the infamous Waco, Texas standoff.  And Patriot Day is also particularly significant in the state of Massachusetts, where it's a civil holiday, because it commemorates the battles outside of Boston that sparked the American Revolution.

This year, Patriot's Day, which is celebrated the third Monday of each year, falls on tax day - another important date for right-wingers, particularly conservative anti-government activists and militia supporters.

Aaaand, of course, the conspiracy-theory corner of the Internet is are blowin' up. Two of Jones' tweets directly following the incident are as follows:

"Explosions at the Boston Marathon. Don't that the FBI has been behind virtually every domestic terror plot in the US, as NY Times reported."

- Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 15, 2013

Our hearts go out to those that are hurt or killed #Boston marathon - but this thing stinks to high heaven #falseflag

- Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) April 15, 2013

Glenn Beck's The Blaze, Dan Abrams' Mediaite, and's Alex Seitz-Wald all penned posts critical of Jones, particularly concerning his insensitivity to the victims of the explosions.  In reply, Jones ripped into them on his website,, "debunking" some of their statements and calling mainstream news "establishment dinosaurs now slouching toward rigor mortis long ago". 

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