Fox Pulls ‘Family Guy’ Clip Depicting Boston Marathon Explosion; Peter Griffin Dials Cell Phone To Set Off Bomb, Win The Marathon [VIDEO]

The Fox network has pulled an episode of 'Family Guy' from and that was edited together depicting the Boston Marathon bombing.

The 'Family Guy' episode Fox pulled had already aired in mid-March. In the episode entitled "Turban Cowboy," main character Peter Griffin "runs" in the Boston Marathon and is asked by a sports announcer about his performance in the race.

While taking part in the race, Peter Griffin is seen in his car running people over.

"I'll tell ya Bob," the family Guy patriarch says to the sports announcer, "I just got in my car and drove it. And when there was a guy in my way, I killed him."

Later on in the same 'Family Guy' episode, Peter becomes friends with a terrorist that is planning to blow up a bridge. Peter unknowingly helps the terrorist by dialing a cell phone the man gave him. After Peter makes the call you can hear explosions and people screaming.

After seeing the "Turban Cowboy" episode of 'Family Guy' and witnessing the events of the Boston Marathon bombings, somebody out in Internet-land decided to edit the episode themselves, and created a clip that looks as though 'Family Guy' had made an episode predicting the Boston Bombings.

The clever clip creator pieced together the scenes showing Peter at the Marathon interview and Peter dialing the terrorist phone.

The clip looks as though Peter set off a bomb in order to win the marathon.

Fox pulled the 'Family Guy' episode and has no plans to re-air it. 'Family Guy' creator Seth MacFarlane went on Twitter saying, "The edited 'Family guy' clip currently circulating is abhorrent. The event was a crime and a tragedy, and my thoughts are with the victims."

'Family Guy' is known for pushing the envelope when it comes to sensitive topics often making jokes about 9/11 and singing songs about AIDS. However this clip was not written or created by Fox or 'Family Guy.' It is the work of a separate individual and has nothing to do with the writers or creator of the show.

The edited 'Family Guy' clip is still on YouTube. Comments left by viewers show that some believe the clip to be distasteful, while others see it as a harmless joke.

Some YouTube comments include, "This is low and disrespectful as hell. People lost their lives. An 8-year-old boy died [and] you turn it into a laughing matter."

"Perfectly acceptable humor if you realize it's a cartoon."

"C' was there to be spliced. Can the outrage."

"It's not even funny!"

The YouTube video has 657,893 views so far.

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