'Pacific Rim 2' Director Guillermo Del Toro Not Giving Up On Movie Franchise; Wants Maisie Williams As Jaeger Pilot

Fans can expect director Guillermo Del Toro for his beloved work "Pacific Rim" as he confirmed that he is not stopping until "Pacific Rim 2" gets a green light.

The director recently tweeted the status of the film franchise, although things are looking good on their end, it is all up to Legendary studios to allow the movie franchise to continue. Here are the director's tweets.

Meanwhile, should the "Pacific Rim 2" project push through, Guillermo Del Toro said that she would love to have "Game of Thrones" star Maisie Williams to join the film's cast.

Posted on Del Toro's Twitter account is as follows, "Had lunch with Maisie Williams yesterday. Remarkable. Dammit- if PR2 happens, that girl is getting a Jaeger."

One fan was delighted and wrote, "You mean WHEN PR2 happens, right? Not if! When! Phew! Glad we got that sorted."

"I don't know if we could crowd fund PR2, but I'd kick in $1k just to see Maisie run a Jaeger," another avid follower commented.

Just a few weeks ago, The Hollywood Reporter stated that Legendary Studios are eager to give "Pacific Rim 2" a chance despite the risks surrounding the movie franchise.

"Sources say Legendary liked that the original performed exceptionally well in China, where the company is heavily invested, but for now the project - which had been ramping up to make a release date in August 2017 - has been halted indefinitely and will be pushed back (if it gets made at all)," as stated in the article.

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