Boston Marathon Bombing In "Family Guy" Episode Is A Hoax: Seth McFarlane Calls Clip Showing Peter Griffin Setting Off Bombs 'Abhorrent' [VIDEO]

A doctored version of a "Family Guy" episode that shows central character Peter Griffin setting off bombs at the Boston Marathon with his cell phone has been circulating online in the wake of Monday's terrorist attack.

The Boston bombing left three people dead, including an 8-year-old boy and wounded 183 people at the marathon's finish line, CNN reported on Wednesday.

"Family Guy" creator Seth McFarlane took to Twitter on Tuesday to speak out about the phony clip, which spliced together footage of Griffin being interviewed by Bob Costas about winning the Boston Marathon by hitting the runners with his car and talking on the phone in bar.

"The edited Family Guy clip currently circulating is abhorrent," McFarlane tweeted. "The event was a crime and a tragedy, and my thoughts are with the victims."

The websites and Hulu have removed the "Family Guy" episode entitled "Turban Cowboy," which contained the Boston Marathon sequence used in the phony bombing sequence.

The episode originally aired on March 17, prompting a conspiracy theory to pop up online that the Boston bombing was depicted in the "Family Guy" episode.

"This clip was another hoax accomplished by digital manipulation," urban legend-debunking website Snopes wrote on Wednesday. "Aside from the confusion prompted in people unaware it was a hoax, it has drawn criticism from those involved with the show."

See the phony "Family Guy" clip depicting the Boston Marathon bombing HERE:

See the original "Family Guy" clip used in the hoax HERE:

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