Selena Gomez Wears Bindi On 'MTV Movie Awards', 'Dancing With The Stars'; Hindu Groups Demand Apology From “Come & Get It” Singer [VIDEO]

Selena Gomez wore a Bindi at the 2013 MTV Movie awards during a performance of her new single "Come & Get It." Now the Universal Society of Hindus is demanding that Gomez apologize for wearing the Bindi, which is a traditional religious piece.

Gomez was dressed head to toe in Hindu attire as she preformed her sexy new single on the MTV stage. According to the International Business Times, the Universal Society of Hindus called the performance "insensitive."

The objections did not stop the 20-year-old Spring Breakers star from wearing a bindi while performing on Dancing with the Stars and Ellen later in the week.

While the rest of Twitter has voiced opinions about Selena Gomez wearing a bindi, Gomez herself did not make any comments. There have been no statements or apologies made on her behalf.

Hindu statesman, Rajan Zed, told,

"The Bindi on the forehead is an ancient tradition in Hinduism and has religious significance. It is also sometimes referred to as the third eye and the flame, and it is an auspicious religious and spiritual symbol... It is not meant to be thrown around loosely for seductive effects or as a fashion accessory aiming at mercantile greed. Selena should apologize and then she should get acquainted with the basics of world religions."

Those talking about Selena Gomez Bindi on Twitter had mixed reactions to the singer's fashion choice.

Twitter user @therealananisha writes, "Selena Gomez, take that bindi off your head. Cultural appropriation is not cute. And neither is your singing. "

"[Dear] Selena Gomez the bindi is not just some fashion accessory you can throw on, cultural appropriation man," says @nat_dee.

Twitter user Anna posts, "Selena Gomez wearing a bindi doesn't bother Toronto area Hindus."

Gary Pruitt tells Selena Gomez, "So you took a little heat for sporting a bindi? Next time wear a bigger one! Go get'em, Lady GoGo!"

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