Patton Oswalt Pitches Awesome ‘Star Wars’ Plot; Disney Announces Release Of New ‘Star Wars’ Films Every Year Starting Summer 2015 [VIDEO]

Patton Oswalt was in the news this week for posting an inspiring commentary about the Boston Marathon bombings, ranting about those who could be responsible for such a tragic event.

But Oswalt has struck again, this time by providing some comic relief. Earlier on Wednesday, Oswalt shared his outtake from his upcoming appearance on Parks and Recreation this Thursday.

Patton Oswalt released the video on his Facebook page. In the Parks and Rec clip, Oswalt announces a filibuster filled with nerd-targeted references.

In the Parks and Rec episode, Patton Oswalt plays a man who launches a filibuster to prevent a council vote. In the filibuster scene, the show's producers allegedly asked Oswalt to ramble on about a topic of his own choosing for several minutes. He chose Star Wars VII, and outlined a possible storyline for the next film in the franchise.

His speech is filled with some obscure references that only the most devoted fans would understand, and more shockingly creative directions that beloved characters like Chewbacca could take in future films.

Although Oswalt's awesome speech didn't make the final cut for the NBC show's episode, the clip is definitely worth a watch. Oswalt easily explains a complicated premise for J.J. Abrams' soon-to-be-released Star Wars sequel, incorporating the Marvel Superhero universe and visitors from Clash of the Titans.

Oddly enough, at today's CinemaCon in Las Vegas, Walt Disney Pictures and Lucasfilm announced that Star Wars: Episode VII will be released in the summer of 2015, and that every summer after that, theaters will air a Star Wars film, alternating with one of the standalone movies focusing on individual franchise characters.

No details have been released about how many standalone films will be made in addition to the new trilogy.

The first Star Wars film was originally released on may 25, 1977 by 20th Century Fox, followed by two sequels released three-years apart each. Sixteen years after the release of the trilogy's final film, the first in a new prequel trilogy was released. The prequels were also released at three-year intervals - the final film being released on May 19, 2005.

In October 2012, Disney acquired Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion and announced that it would produce three new Star Wars films.

J.J. Abrams will direct Star Wars: Episode VII using a script written by Michael Arndt.

Watch the video below:

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