‘Back To The Future 4’ Release Date Finally Happening? Christopher Lloyd Open For Possibility

With the success of the "Back To The Future" movie trilogy, rumors about a "Back To The Future 4" release date came up once again, as 2015 marked the visitation of Marty McFly from the past in "Back To The Future 2."

In a report by Cinema Blend, Christopher Lloyd, who played Doctor Emmet Brown in the series, expressed his thought when asked if he would still be game to play his role in a fourth installation of the series.

Lloyd was interviewed by The Hollywood Reporter and he said that if ever a fourth movie would happen, he wanted it to be as exciting as the first three films.

"I would love to do Doc again, no question," the actor said. "[But] it's tough to come up with an idea that contains the excitement of the original three."

He also stated how it would be a challenge not only for them but for the producers as well, as they have aged significantly since the part three of the film came out in 1990.

"So it would be a real challenge for the writers to come up with an original Back To The Future story that has the same passion and intensity and excitement as the other three," he said. "But it could be done, you never know."

Lea Thompson, who played Marty McFly's mother Lorraine Baines McFly, was also interviewed by The Toronto Sun and claimed how she is excited if the movie pushes through.

"It's surreal thinking about something I did a long time ago," Thompson said about the potential "Back To The Future 4" release date. "It's kind of weird, but it's nice."

"Age makeup is kind painful, and it's strange to act in because if you move your face too much you tear it, and if you tear it you ruin the whole day."

"It's a different time to be older now," she added. "I'm sitting here basically wearing the same dress my daughter would wear. I've got the same hair my daughter would wear. We can get away with that stuff."

Although there are no official word regarding a "Back To The Future 4" release date, Thompson claimed that she would still reprise her role if the studio asks them to be back.

"If they were making it and they were asking, I'd be interested," she said.

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