'Captain Marvel' Cast: Olivia Wilde Newest Favorite To Take On Mantle Of Carol Danvers!

Add another name to the list of actresses who wants to be part of the "Captain Marvel" cast. "The Lazarus Effect" actress Olivia Wilde just expressed her interest to play the role of Carol Danvers.

In an interview with Cinema Blend, Wilde admitted that she is a big-time fan of the MCU and it would be an honor to be part of the "Captain Marvel" roster.

"Marvel has been so smart about casting unexpected people for these roles. Look at what Robert Downey brought to Iron Man. A real, dry sense of humor and a complexity to his hero balance," Wilde said.

She also envisions the type of film she would like it to be and she believes the main character should have at least one or two flaws.

"The thing with female superheroes is that, in order to be powerful, they are flawless. The idea of kick-ass power lacks a certain nuance, at times. There is something to be said for a female director working to create a female superhero that perhaps [has] a little more complexity," she added.

Meanwhile, other actresses who are eager to be part of the "Captain Marvel" cast are "Jurrasic World" star Bryce Dallas-Howard and UFC Champ Ronda Rousey.

Dallas-Howard was the first one to call the role when she spoke with Cinema Blend about the availability of the role.

"Oh my God, will you write that? Will you write that please?" Howard told Cinema Blend. "Yes, let's start a campaign now. That would be rad. Those movies are so fantastic so, yes, I just would love to be in a Marvel film."

Rousey, Meanwhile, spoke with Entertainment Tonight and followed-up her resume to Disney. She said, "Hopefully by the time 'Captain Marvel' comes around, I will have enough skills and experience in the field for them to seriously consider me."

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